Despite my inability to walk afterward, the feeling of crossing that line and finishing my first marathon is difficult to put into words.
It’s an adrenaline rush like no other. Everything slowed after crossing the line. Although I was a bit lightheaded and could barely walk, to finally enjoy that moment with the roaring crowd is thrilling.
After a day or so to reflect, I’m still blasted by a ton of emotions. Mainly I’m appreciative for having the ability to train and last through an entire 42 km’s.
My body held up and for that I am fortunate because I know there are a ton of people out there who would kill for the ability to run without discomfort.
There’s another rarely talked about feeling: gratitude.
I’m grateful for the amazing community of friends and family who supported me through the journey.
Also to my running buddy Chris. We embarked on this crazy idea 42 days before the 42 km onslaught, did every training run together, and crossed the finish line on Sunday together.
Whether a message, text, or tweet, these words of encouragement make a huge difference. I appreciate every single one of you.
Special shout out is in order for Andrew and Mike who rode their bikes alongside us for about 25 of the 42 kms. These guys are truly amazing human beings.
Beating a bongo drum and toting an ipod stereo, these two yelled and encouraged us the whole way, making jokes and entertaining other runners.
People ask if this is a one-off accomplishment. My answer is probably not. While I realize this is quite a feat in and of itself, I want more.
I’m wired in such a way that I always crave the next thing. Call it ambition or stupidity, but the point is, I’ll never settle for where I’m at now.